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Daniel Añorve Añorve


Daniel Añorve Añorve is a Mexican professor of the Department of Political and Government Studies at Universidad de Guanajuato. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses on International Relations, International Politics, Geopolitics, and Human, Political, and Economic Geography.


He holds a PhD in International Relations from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and a Masters in Political Science from York University in Canada.


Dr. Añorve is the leading researcher of the holistic (teaching, research & practical sporting experience) that led to the creation of Tiro en Braille in 2019.


Among his publications related to sports in Social Science, he is the author of two books: Liga MX Femenil: Cambios domésticos, influencia international y desafío al statu quo (published by Ediciones EON in 2019); El deporte como observatorio de cambio social y político (published by Tirant Humanidades in 2017). He authors the chapter “Sport for Development and Peace (SDP) and the exclusionary logic of existing initiatives. A proposal for meaningful inclusion leading to sustained change” (to be published shortly by Springer).

Daniel Añorve strongly believes that Tiro en Braille’s holistic methodology has the potential to spread out into other universities in Latin America.

Fernando Segura Millán Trejo

Fernando Segura Millán Trejo is an independent academic. He collaborates with the Center for Research and Teaching in Economics (CIDE) in Mexico, the Federal University of Goiás (UFG) in Brazil, and the NGO “Salvemos al Fútbol” in Argentina.


He holds a PhD in Sociology by the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris. He has Posdoctoral studies by the Getulio Vargas Foundation in Rio de Janeiro. He completed the Master degree in Public Policies by  CIDE in Mexico and an degree in Economics by the University of Salvador in Argentina and Paris-I Sorbonne in France.


Dr. Segura has conducted empirical fieldwork related to sport for development in several countries since 2006 and he is a Senior Adviser of the project Tiro en Braille at Universidad de Guanajuato in Mexico.


Fernando has published extensively on sport for development in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French, particularly around football-soccer based social interventions. He has earned several scholarships for conducting empirical research in different contexts across the world. His publications can be found at:


Fernando Segura happily contributes in Tiro en Braille, as the project has taken into account clear perspectives to foster gender equality and a creative, unique, approach inspired in ancient Mesoamerican games adapted for sport for development.

Adriana Islas Govea


Adriana Elizabeth Islas Govea is a sport researcher. She has an International History Master’s degree at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) and she studied her bachelor’s degree in Sociology at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).


Her research topics focuses on the social use of football (soccer), and women participation in sports. This is the main reason why she collaborates as advices in Tiro en Braille.


She has been involved as a researcher in some social soccer festivals, such as the Homeless World Cup (Mexico City, 2012), Football For Hope (Río de Janeiro, 2014) and FIFA Foundation (Moscow, 2018). In 2017 she did a research stay in Colombia to learn about social projects linked to Sport for Development and Peace.       


Currently, Adriana is a Project Specialist in “Juega Más – Escuelas Activas” (Play More – Active Schools). Additionally, she works independently as a researcher.


Adriana strongly believes in the transformative power of physical activity and sports like Tiro en Braille.

Irma Nallely Baltazar Eliserio

Irma Nallely Baltazar Eliserio is a Mexican student at Universidad de Guanajuato. She studies her sophomore year of Law at the Division of Law, Politics and Goverment.


She is a one of the five creators  of Tiro en Braille. Irma decided to participate in this project because she is committed to the Sustainable Development Goals and with social progress in Mexico.


Irma Nallely has expressed: “Each day that we worked in this project, definitely we felt more enthusiastic about being part of an opportunity for everyone, and share it with our community”.


She believes that Tiro en Braille” could serve as an incredible tool for raising awareness and empathy towards people with disabilities.


Axel Adrian Jimenez Rodriguez.

Axel Adrian Jimenez Rodriguez is a Mexican student at Universidad de Guanajuato from Mexico. He studies Law at the Division of Law, Politics and Government.


Axel Adrián is a member from the team “Tiro en Braille” and is collaborating in this project like a co-creator.


He coined the name "Tiro en Braille", once he reflected on the essence of the sport, so he decided to leave this rationale into the sport’s name. He was the brain behind most of its characteristics. He also collaborated in the adaptation of the sporting activity to make it compatible with Mexican laws (this was done in tandem with José Pablo Fuentes. He also contributed with the sport’s regulations.


Axel Adrián decided to participate in the project because he is interested in the international development and the 2030 Agenda. He thinks that “Tiro en Braille” would be a good tool for the social inclusion of blind people.

José Pablo Fuentes Montalvo

José Pablo Fuentes Montalvo is a Mexican Law student at Universidad de Guanajuato. As a true freshman he was one of the five students who designed Tiro en Braille as a result of his involvement in the online seminar, the teaching component of the project in which José Pablo and his fellow students acquired the foundation knowledge for the design of the sporting activity.


José Pablo’s role within Tiro en Braille was to make sure of the alignment of Tiro en Braille with different components of the Mexican legislation.


Luis J. "Yuca" Gutiérrez Herrera

Luis Jozabad Gutierrez Herrera is a Mexican student of Political Science (major) and a minor in International Relations at Universidad de Guanajuato. He is interested in the nationalisms and expressions of hatred that nationalism generates in societies in general, and in sport for development and peace in particular.


He participates in Tiro en Braile as a scholarship assistant for Professor.Daniel Añorve Añorve, and as a collaborator of the project.


He is one of the three co-authors of the chapter “Inclusiones y exclusiones en la naciente Liga MX Femenil: la cobertura de prensa y patrocinadores” in Fútbol y globalización. Medios, mercados e inclusiones (2019); and the co-author of “El deporte para la paz o para el nacionalismo” in the collective book that will be published as a result of the project Tiro en Braile.

He believes that Tiro en Braile has the capacity to expand the borders of inclusion that traditional sport has set.

Wendy Patricia Padilla Guerrero


Wendy Patricia Padilla Guerrero is a Mexican student of Public Administration at  Universidad de Guanajuato. She is interested in the management of public institutions or entities, social relations, as well in Sport for Development and Peace (SDP).

Wendy participates in Tiro en Braille as a fellow assistant research of Dr. Daniel Añorve Añorve and as a collaborator of the project from its very beginning.

She co-authors the chapter "Inclusions and exclusions in the nascent Liga MX Femenil: press coverage and sponsors" in Soccer and globalization. Media, markets and inclusions (2019). She also co-authors the chapter "Sport for peace or for nationalism" in the collective book that will be published as a result of the project.

Wendy Patricia considers that Tiro en Braille is an excellent example of the multiple benefits that sport can offer, such as fostering social skills, empathy, as well as helping the social development of people.  


Sandra María Camarillo Perales.

Sandra María Camarillo Perales is a Mexican fifth year student of Political Science at Universidad de Guanajuato, in Mexico.


Sandra María is currently  a research asisstant of the Tiro en Braille project.


Sandra is currently authoring the chapter that will have as its name: “From sport as a tool for the improvement of society, to the construction of ‘white elephants’”.


Sandra Camarillo believes that Tiro en Braille may mark the beginning of many projects focused on vulnerable sectors, which can be replicated at all educational levels, and in this way contribute to the creation of social capital in Mexico and beyond.

José Guadalupe Flores Palafox

José Guadalupe is a Mexican freshman student of Political Science at Universidad de Guanajuato, México.


José Guafdalupe participates as a scholarship holder in the sport project Tiro en Braille. He is learning to conduct research and he does a great deal of information collection of sport as a tool for development, especailly with the help of platform.


José Guadalupe was one of the key organizers of Tiro en Braille’s first tournament, until it was postponed as a result of Covid-19.


José Guadalupe is a member of the student society 2020-2021, where he serves as the secretary of health and environment.


José believes that sport is a tool for good physical and emotional health, personal and social development, as well as a tool for community development and teamwork. He is confident that Tiro en Braille embodies those goals and that it will serve as an example and motivation for further sport projects for development.

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